Puerto Rico, there is a reason why I have stayed so long in this island and it’s because I just love it. The beaches, tropical weather, the rainforest and all the beauty it has to offer. However I’d be lying if I said this were the ideal place to live, yes I do live here and I don’t plan on moving out anytime soon but I’ve always said this island is a great place to vacation, not so great to build a life in because of all the problems that surround it. But hey I choose to stay day in and day out, cause the truth is if I wanted to leave I could … Most of my family does live in the states, but Puerto Rico just seems to have a grip on me tighter than a monkey’s knot.

First of all the crime, ugh I hate how there is so much crime in this island. Be it because of some petty theft, or because of something major like a homicide. There is too much crime in Puerto Rico. People from here say that all other people see about here is the crime and bad stuff, but then I say … Can you blame them? Have you taken a good hard look at our society? There is always something in the paper about some crime that happened. Just last weekend I experienced having my car keys stolen from me. Now all I seem to think about is that it could probably get stolen. Which, by the way, has been a great fear of mine … walking to the parking lot and not seeing my car there.

The government and politics in this island, and its corrupt ways when it comes to money. Just last week I was reading a news story about “alcaldes” or mayors of cities in Puerto Rico that increased their salary but somehow there is not enough money for the hard workers. Example last  week the people who work in a CDT (Central Diagnostic Center) in Rio Grande had not been paid in I don’t remember how long, but somehow the mayor salary did increase. Those are the WTF moments that you stay with well there is money for one thing, but not for the other. 

And last but certainly not least, you know I couldnt write this without mentioning the unemployment issue. There is unemployment everywhere, and this issue is a very BIG one. There is being implemented cuts on federal and public government salaries, and what not. I have had first hand experience in this jack of all trades, and let me tell you it sucks. They say you dont have to be experienced for certain jobs, but once you go to an interview that is what they're looking for. My mindset is if you dont hire me, how am i supposed to gain experience? Yes I am in the military, but hey that's National Guard which means PART-TIME ... and I have nothing against that but I am always constantly on the look for another job because in this life everything revolves around money.