So a movie that I don't know if its made an impact but it does make you think is "A time to kill" it's a movie with Sandra Bullock, Matthew McConaughey and Samuel Jackson. Set in Canton , Mississippi, the movie revolves around the rape of a young black girl and the arrest of the rapists and their subsequent murder at the hands of the girls father. The rest of the movie is a trial being held for the girls father for murder. The thing is that these two rapists where two white men who were racists and this movie is set around the time were racist was still a major issue especially in the South. You have the "KKK" acting up because of the murder of these men and you see a lot of racism in the movie. I saw this movie a while back, I thought it was an interesting title so I saw it. The movie is powerful to me because I have always been interested in racism and how no black man would ever get a fair trial in the South no matter what the circumstances were. It goes into themes like, what would you do if it were your own daughter? Don't think about if she's black or white ... truthfully would you take justice upon your own hands and kill the rapists of your daughter? Towards the end of the movie the lawyer defending the girl's father speaks in his closing argument about the details of how the rape went, he told the whole courtroom to imagine it with their eyes closed ... And his last statement was now imagine that she is white. That changed the gear of the direction the jury was going, it put into perspective the racism that was present during those times. Because it should not be okay for a little black girl to be raped and left for dead and a little white girl not! 

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