From the information that I have researched and gathered regarding Law 54 in Puerto Rico is that it is only applicable to married couples … oh and wait for it heterosexual couples. So the whole issue going on Monday about the march was about not “changing” the law. They want to change it, so that it can apply to ANY type of couple, heterosexual, homosexual and couples who simply live together but are not legally married. The issue present is that certain people think that once this law is changed the “definition” of what an “ideal” couple or family is will change everywhere like in how it is taught in school. So on Monday February 18, 2013 there were two sides present in San Juan, those who were against changing the law and those who were all for change. You have to ask yourself … what is at stake? In all my honest opinion, I don’t see anything at stake at least not anything that will have a negative effect. The only thing I see at stake is if its not changed, because that means not all couples have the same human rights as others. And that right there is unfair. We live in a society and generation where everybody should have the same rights as the next person to them.

            So to dig in a little deeper into my stance on this whole situation, I am for all the change there can be upheld to this Law 54. I must admit I hadn’t really thought about this issue until it was brought up in class. The whole chaos behind changing one law and how people have reacted to it. How does changing a law where it will provide protection against people, become a law that if you change will somehow destroy the “definition” of what an “ideal” family or couple should be? Where did people get this idea? We are only discussing about the human rights that everyone should have no matter what sex, marital status or sexual preference they have. I believe that there are a lot of ignorant minds in this island and that they are not considering the bigger picture of the issue. They have somehow twisted this into how gay couples should not be married and how it is not right or let’s say how heterosexual couples should not live together without being married. Ugh! It just sickens me listening and reading about all the comments form people. Especially these religious folk, if you want to throw the words of the BIBLE towards me make sure you throw everything. Don’t tell me something is not right and is a sin, but then other things are not. Don’t tell me things for your convenience, either you’re all the way with the bible or you’re not. What right does anybody have to judge somebody else? Tell me … what is the right thing, the correct thing? Like I said before I am all for change, I believe that EVERYONE should have the same rights regardless of anything. No one should be superior to anybody because of something like sexual preference. And it is a sad truth that we live in a society where worse things are accepted, but equal rights for gay and straight couples are not. Oh and let me dive in a little to couples who live together but are not legally married. What’s wrong with it? Yes I am a person who doesn’t believe in marriage; I haven’t seen the best of examples when it comes down to it. So that’s another issue I have with this, I didn’t know if I resided with a boyfriend for example and things went wrong … wait the Law 54 wouldn’t apply because we’re not a married couple. WHAT!!?? Oh yeah they need to change it ASAP, everybody deserves to be treated equally, even though I know deep down that is not the reality. In my opinion I would love for CHANGE but I’ll believe it when I see it. I think the ignorance that is present will somehow prevail.

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